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The Center – The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center

Artist/Designer: Keith Haring, Combined Architecture and Interiors (RSVP & NPLUS)

Project Location: New York, New York

Figure 1: The Center - Second Floor Hallway ( Source | Accessed : December 21, 2021 | Photographer: Travis Mark )
Figure 2: The Center - Library and Archive Area ( Source | Accessed : December 21, 2021 | Photographer: Travis Mark )
Figure 3: The Multi-purpose Lerner Auditorium at The Center ( Source | Accessed : December 21, 2021 | Photographer: Travis Mark )
Figure 4: The Center reception desk ( Source | Accessed : December 21, 2021 | Photographer: Travis Mark )
Figure 5: Keith Haring Bathroom Mural at The Center ( Source | Accessed : December 21, 2021 | Photographer: via The Dusty Rebel )

No Style/Period Assigned.

Primary Material(s):
No Primary Material Assigned.

Community Center

Related Website(s):

Significant Date(s):
21st Century

Additional Information:
The Center offers the LGBTQ communities of NYC advocacy, health and wellness programs; arts, entertainment, and cultural events; recovery, parenthood, and family support services.

Viewers should treat all images as copyrighted and refer to each image's links for copyright information.