Artist/Designer: Gabriel Guévrékian, Pierre Chareau
Project Location: Paris, France
Art Deco, Modern
Primary Material(s):
Glass, Metal, Textile
Residential Structure
Related Website(s):
Significant Date(s):
20th Century, 1929
Additional Information:
Project Description:
Thérèse Bonney (1894-1978) was an American photojournalist who both collected and took photographs and started an illustrated press service in 1924. Her photographs document the impact of modernism on European design, of the time. Her residence featured designs by Pierre Chareau and Gabriel Guévrékian and features modern furnishings such as a bookcase built around polished-metal radiator cover and flushed with wall, glass shelving, and a dark brown and beige rug from Myrbor.
Publications/Texts in Print:
Bonney, M. Thérèse. Europe's Children, 1939 to 1943. New York: Plantin Press, 1943.
Kolosek, Lisa Schlansker. The Invention of Chic : Thérèse Bonney and Paris Moderne. New York: Thames & Hudson, 2002.
Meyer, Esther Da Costa, Bauchet, Bernard , Writer of Supplementary Textual Content, Chareau, Pierre, and Jewish Museum , Host Institution. Pierre Chareau : Modern Architecture and Design. 2016.
Building Location:
Paris, France
Significant Staff/Designers:
Designers- Pierre Chareau and Gabriel Guévrékian
Thérèse Bonney, paris moderne, modernism, art deco, residence
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