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Product -Wallpaper: ‘Ink on Folded Paper’ Stress Series by Alan Bruton Studio (1996 to present)

Artist/Designer: Alan Bruton, Alan Bruton

Project Location: United States

Figure 1: Alan Bruton Studio Website ( Source | Accessed : May 14, 2021 | Photographer: Alan Bruton )
Figure 2: Installation of 'Ink on Folded Paper'
Alan Bruton Studio
Stress Wallpaper Series
( Source | Accessed : May 14, 2021 | Photographer: Alan Bruton )
Figure 3: Installation of 'Ink on Folded Paper'
Alan Bruton Studio
Stress Wallpaper Series
( Source | Accessed : May 14, 2021 | Photographer: Alan Bruton )


Primary Material(s):
Wall Paper, Paper

No Function Assigned.

Related Website(s):

Significant Date(s):
20th Century, 1996, 2021

Additional Information:
Bruton, Alan;'Stress, A Physio-psychic Phenomenon" Analysis/Representation/Construction Activity 1994-1996

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