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Palacio Paz, El Gran Hall de Honor (1914) *

Artist/Designer: Louis Marie Henry Sortais, Carlos Agote

Project Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Figure 1: Palacio Paz- El Gran Hall de Honor. Source: Alejandro Lopez Ruiz, Argentina, (2009). Digital Image ( Source | Accessed : September 20, 2013 | Photographer: Alejandro Lopez Ruiz )
Figure 2: Palacio Paz- El Gran Hall de Honor. Source: Alejandro Lopez Ruiz, Argentina, (2009). Digital Image ( Source | Accessed : September 20, 2013 | Photographer: Alejandro Lopez Ruiz )
Figure 3: Palacio Paz- El Gran Hall de Honor. Source: Alejandro Lopez Ruiz, Argentina, (2009). Digital Image ( Source | Accessed : September 20, 2013 | Photographer: Alejandro Lopez Ruiz )
Figure 4: Palacio Paz- El Gran Hall de Honor. Source: Alejandro Lopez Ruiz, Argentina, (2009). Digital Image ( Source | Accessed : September 20, 2013 | Photographer: Alejandro Lopez Ruiz )


Primary Material(s):
Stone, Paint, Light

Residential Structure

Related Website(s):

Significant Date(s):
20th Century, 1914, 1902

Additional Information:
Publications/Texts in Print: N/A

Building Address: Av. Santa Fe 750, C1059ABO CABA, Argentina

Significant Dates: Construction dates (1902 -1914)

Supporting Staff/ Designers: Louis Marie Henri Sortais (Architectural Designer)
Carlos Agote (Architectural Construction/Contractor)

Tags: Beaux-Arts Style, Spanish Architecture, Stained Glass, Domes

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