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La Muralla Roja

Artist/Designer: Ricardo Bofill Taller

Project Location: Spain

Figure 1: Roof ( Source | Photographer: Fred Guillaud )
Figure 2: Exterior Stairs ( Source | Photographer: Fred Guillaud )
Figure 3: Exterior Courtyard ( Source | Photographer: Fred Guillaud )
Figure 4: Exterior ( Source | Photographer: Gregori Civera )
Figure 5: Interior Courtyard Stair ( Source | Photographer: Gregori Civera )
Figure 6: Roof Terrace ( Source | Photographer: Gregori Civera )
Figure 7: Exterior ( Source | Photographer: Gregori Civera )
Figure 8: Detail ( Source | Photographer: Nacho Alegre )
Figure 9: Rooftop View ( Source | Photographer: Gregori Civera )


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