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Judson Memorial Church

Artist/Designer: Standford White

Project Location: New York, New York

Exterior of church on street corner. The building is about 3 stories tall and adjacent to a much larger bell tower of 10 stories. All are clad in yellowish brick.
Figure 1: Exterior of Judson Memorial Church at Washington Square ( Source | Accessed : December 24, 2021 | Photographer: Beyond My Ken/Wikipedia )
Black and white photo of man in front of church wearing a minister's shirt and jacket.
Figure 2: Rev. Howard Moody in front of Judson Memorial Church, c. 1965. ( Source | Accessed : December 24, 2021 | Photographer: Courtesy: Judson Memorial Church )
Black and white interior of church showing a group of people playfully tugging on a rope while one man is balancing on a pole.
Figure 3: A dance performance at Judson Memorial Church, 1963. ( Source | Accessed : December 24, 2021 | Photographer: Peter Moore )
Interior of church decorated with rainbow colored lighting and rainbow cloth stretched above tables set up for a meal.
Figure 4: Interior of Judson Memorial Church today, on a Pride Sunday ( Source | Accessed : December 24, 2021 | Photographer: Courtesy: Judson Memorial Church )

Revival Styles

Primary Material(s):
No Primary Material Assigned.

Religious Building

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Additional Information:
The socially progressive Judson Memorial Church at Washington Square hosted arts events and LGBT gatherings, provided shelter for at-risk youth, addicts, and sex workers, and served as a gathering place for supports groups during the AIDS crisis.

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