Artist/Designer: Pierre Koenig
Project Location: California, United States
Primary Material(s):
Glass, Steel
Residential Structure
Related Website(s):
Significant Date(s):
20th Century
Additional Information:
Case Study House #21, The Bailey House; Designer/Architect: Pierre Koenig; Location: 9038 Wonderland Park Ave, Los Angeles, California
Hines, Thomas. Architecture of the Sun: Los Angeles Modernism 1900-1970. New York: Rizzoli, 2010.
Jackson, Neil and Peter Gössel. Pierre Koenig, 1925-2004: Living With Steel. Los Angeles: Taschen, 2007.
Steele, James, David Jenkins, and Pierre Koenig. Pierre Koenig. London: Phaidon, 1998.
Additional Information
Building Address
9038 Wonderland Park Ave, Los Angeles, California
Significant Dates;
Commissioned by Walter and Mary Bailey in 1957
Built and Finished in 1959
Kitchen demolished and replaced in early 1980's
Restoration Project spanned over 1997
Associated Projects:
Case Study House Program
Case Study House, Glass, Steel, Pierre Koenig, California Modernism,
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