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Abu Darweesh Mosque

Artist/Designer: Hasan Mustafa Sharkas

Project Location: Amman, Jordan

Figure 1: Brian J. McMorrow, Abu Darweesh Mosque. Source: Brian J. McMorrow, Abur Darweesh Mosque. Digital Image. ( Source | Accessed : October 27, 2014 )
Figure 2: Brian J. McMorrow, Abu Darweesh Mosque. Source: Brian J. McMorrow, Abur Darweesh Mosque. Digital Image. ( Source | Accessed : October 27, 2014 )
Figure 3: Brian J. McMorrow, Abu Darweesh Mosque. Source: Brian J. McMorrow, Abur Darweesh Mosque. Digital Image. ( Source | Accessed : October 27, 2014 )
Figure 4: Photographer unknown, Abu Darweesh Mosque at night. Source: Blogspot. Digital Image. ( Source | Accessed : October 27, 2014 )
Figure 5: Photographer unknown, Abur Darwish Mosque detail. Source: Berwertungen un Fotos|Amman Photo Gallery. ( Source | Accessed : October 27, 2014 )
Figure 6: Details of Ceiling ( Source | Accessed : February 28, 2017 )
Figure 7 ( Source | Accessed : February 28, 2017 )
Figure 8 ( Source | Accessed : February 28, 2017 )

No Style/Period Assigned.

Primary Material(s):

Religious Building

Related Website(s):

Significant Date(s):
20th Century

Additional Information:
Abu Darweesh Mosque was built in 1961 on top of Amman’s highest hill, Jebel al-Ashrafiyeh. Construction was financed by Hasan Mustafa Sharkas, also known as Abu Darwish, a Circasian immigrant. Its alternating black and white stones draw from traditional Levantine architecture. The mosque accommodates more than 7000 worshipers. The interior is described as "sober" but with Persion rugs. Only Muslims are allowed inside.

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