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25Hours Hotel Bikini Berlin

Artist/Designer: Studio Aisslinger

Project Location: Berlin, Germany

Figure 1: Guest Room: 25hours Hotel Bikini Berlin, Germany. © 25hours Hotels / Stephan Lemke ( Source | Accessed : October 30, 2016 | Photographer: Stephan Lemke )
Figure 2: Monkey Bar:25hours Hotel Bikini Berlin, Germany. © 25hours Hotels / Stephan Lemke ( Source | Accessed : October 30, 2016 | Photographer: Stephan Lemke )
Figure 3: Lobby - DJ-Corner ( Source | Accessed : October 30, 2016 | Photographer: Stephan Lemke )


Primary Material(s):
No Primary Material Assigned.

Hospitality, Restaurant, Coffee Shop

Related Website(s):

Significant Date(s):

Additional Information:
Designer: Werner Aisslinger of the firm, Studio Aisslinger

Viewers should treat all images as copyrighted and refer to each image's links for copyright information.