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Salon Pompadour – Elysee Palace (Hotel d’Evreux)

Artist/Designer: Pierre Lassurance, Jacques Verberckt, Carle van Loo, Armand-Claude Mollet

Project Location: Paris, France

Figure 1: Salon Pompadour, 1750s, Elysee Palace (Hotel d'Evreux) 1718-1722. Paris, France. ( Source | Accessed : October 6, 2016 )
Figure 2: Salon Pompadour, 1750s, Elysee Palace (Hotel d'Evreux) 1718-1722. Paris, France. ( Source | Accessed : October 6, 2016 )
Figure 3: Salon Pompadour, 1750s, Elysee Palace (Hotel d'Evreux) 1718-1722. Paris, France. ( Source | Accessed : October 6, 2016 )
Figure 4: Salon Pompadour, 1750s, Elysee Palace (Hotel d'Evreux) 1718-1722. Paris, France. ( Source | Accessed : October 6, 2016 )
Figure 5: Salle du conseil (next to the salon de l'Hemicycle on left), 1750s, Elysee Palace (Hotel d'Evreux) 1718-1722. Paris, France. ( Source | Accessed : October 6, 2016 )


Primary Material(s):
Fabric, Textile, Plaster, Wood

Government, Residential Structure

Related Website(s):

Significant Date(s):
18th Century

Additional Information:
Blunt, Anthony, and Richard Beresford. Art and Architecture in France, 1500-1700. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1999.

Lever, Evelyne. Madame De Pompadour: A Life. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2002.

Saisselin, Rémy G. The Enlightenment against the Baroque: Economics and Aesthetics in the Eighteenth Century. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992.

Standen, Edith A. "Madame De Pompadour's Gobelins Tapestries." Studies in the History of Art 42 (1993): 14-33.

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