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Hall of Supreme Harmony, Forbidden City (1406)

Artist/Designer: Nguyễn an

Project Location: Beijing, China

Figure 1: The Palace of Heavenly Purity at the Forbidden City. Source: Chris Hill – Qiangqinggong (Palace of Heavenly Purity). 2005, Digital Image. ( Source )
Figure 2: The Hall of Supreme Harmony at the Forbidden City. Source: Liza H – Throne. 2013, Digital Image. ( Source )
Figure 3: Ceiling Detail at the Forbidden City. Source: G. Boccardi – Image 3. 2004, Digital Image. ( Source )


Primary Material(s):

Residential Structure

Related Website(s):

Significant Date(s):
15th Century

Additional Information:
The Forbidden City, located in Bejing, China, was built between 1406 to 1420 and contains more than 10,000 rooms. It was the seat of power and residency for the Ming and Qing dynasties for more than 5 centuries.

Publications/Texts in Print-

Wang, Qijun. 2011. Chinese architecture. New York: Better Link Press.

Zhao, Guangchao, and Ben Wang. 2014. In the Forbidden City. New York, N.Y.: China Institute in America.

Moro, Laura. 2008. Taihe Dian: the hall of supreme harmony of the forbidden city in Beijing. Roma: Gangemi editore.

Additional Information-

Building Address

4 Jingshan Front St, Dongcheng, Beijing, China

Supporting Designers/Staff
Kuai Xiang (1398–1481)-architect of the project

Significant Dates
Built by 1406
Final reconstruction from various fires over time in 1695–1697

Chinese architecture, Ming Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, Beijing, China, Wood, Royal Palace, Forbidden City,

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