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Louis XIV State Bedroom (1700) *

Artist/Designer: Jean-Baptiste Colbert

Project Location: New York, United States

Figure 1: State Bedroom in the style of Louis XIV, Gallery 531- Metropolitan Museum of Art. "Decorative Arts under Louis XIV" ( Source | Accessed : September 22, 2013 | Photographer: Liena Vayzman )


Primary Material(s):
Fabric, Textile, Wood, Paint, Wall Paper

Residential Structure

Related Website(s):

Significant Date(s):
17th Century, 1700, 1715, 1643

Additional Information:
Publications/Texts in Print:

Bremer-David, Charissa, Brejon De Lavergnée, Arnauld, Vittet, Jean, Bertrand, Pascal-François, J. Paul Getty Museum, Organizer, Issuing Body, and Jpgm. Woven Gold : Tapestries of Louis XIV. Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Museum, 2015.
Burke, Peter. The Fabrication of Louis XIV. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1994.
Gura, Judith. The Guide to Period Styles for Interiors : From the 17th Century to the Present. Second ed. New York: Bloomsbury, Fairchild Books, an Imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing, 2016.
Metropolitan Museum of Art. French Decorative Arts During the Reign of Louis XIV, 1654-1715. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1989.

Building Address: Initially from the Palace of Versailles, Place d'Armes, 78000 Versailles, France
Current, 1000 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10028

Significant Dates: Construction Dates (1643–1715)
Construction Date of Bedroom (1700)

Supporting Staff/ Designers: N/A

Tags: Palace of Versailles, Louis XIV, Gold

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